Sunday, June 30, 2013

Two Math Classes from HarmonyPen

Normally the classes I offer are writing classes. But now that I've found the perfect writing curriculum and am teaching that, I'm looking for a way to lift the weakness I see with students in Math. And it's not so easy to find a good Math teacher. A group class would be useful, because there'd be accountability, and a group setting really helps the accountability factor. So I am putting together 2 classes: Math 7 and Algebra 1.

I've researched and chewed over so many different math curriculum. Since my classes are once a week, I'm going to need a math text that assists the student with every problem, but isn't so boring they want to pull their hair out. I would also like part of the class to be inspiring about math, so that my students can catch the vision from someone who is a math enthusiast. If possible, I also want to come at math from several different directions so that students who learn in different ways can still catch on to Pre-Algebra.

So I've found the curriculum I want to incorporate into my teaching:

Curriculum: For on-their-own math study: Teaching Textbooks (which has a teacher on dvd demonstrating every lesson AND every problem if needed). We've tried Saxon. We've tried all kinds of patched together curriculum. Teaching Textbooks has been approved by my two eldest children. Yay!

I found a Math teacher named Barbara to help with the math classes. She has 30 years experience, patience and willingness to use manipulatives to explain concepts. She will be available to answer math questions with an inspiring love of mathematics!

Accountability: Students will be required to complete (and grade their own, fixing their errors and coming with questions to class) five math assignments a week from Teaching Textbooks.

Assessment: Have your student take these assessment tests to know if he/she should take the class: Is your student ready for Math 7? Is your student ready for Algebra 1?

Class will cost: $300 includes everything
Location: The Harmon Schoolroom in Lehi
Times: Math 7 from 2:45-3:45pm, Algebra 1 from 3:45-4:45pm
Dates: Thursdays, September 5-December 12. No class Nov. 28.

Number of students: 1 spot left in Math 7, Algebra 1 FULL

Email me with your questions and if you are interested in registering!

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