This school year 2015-2016 I am only teaching two writing classes. Here is the information on them.
Introductory Writing II - IEW Medieval-Themed Essay Writing 2015-2016
Teacher: Valerie Harmon
Day: Tuesday
Time: 12:30-1:30P
Price: $300 for the year
Age Range: 9+ (pre-req. Intro to Writing I)
Location: George Mueller Academy 121 E State ST. Lehi UT 84043
Description: This is a YEAR class. The pre-requisite (unless Ms. Valerie gives permission) is the Introductory Essay Writing I with All Things Fun and Fascinating text.
Building and practicing on the techniques learned in Introductory Writing 1, Ms. Valerie teaches students to write, beginning with single paragraphs, notetaking (key word outlines), and reading from notes. Then through writing from pictures, borrowing a conflict, a research paper, creative writing.
Bring: The IEW's Medieval Themed Writing Student Manual text, something to write with, and paper. Homework will be expected every week on time.
Where to buy the text: The IEW's Medieval Themed Writing Student Manual is required, and not included. You can buy a copy at
IEW Introductory Writing 1 course at GMA 2015-2016
Teacher: Valerie Harmon
Day: Tuesdays
Time: from 1:30-2:30.
Price: $300 for the year
Age Range: 9+
Location: George Mueller Academy 121 E State ST. Lehi UT 84043
Description: This is a YEAR class. There is no pre-requisite. Students need to come to class with the text, something to write with and paper to take notes.
They need to be prepared to type (or dictate to a typist) one writing assignment per week from their notes. I do not penalize students with a bad grade if they forget their paper or don't do their homework ;) but I do I provide goldfish for coming to class and skittles for immediate reward points. Let me know if your child has any allergies and if you bring a replacement snack/treat I will use that for your child instead. :)
Bring: The All Things Fun and Fascinating text , something to write with, and paper. Homework will be expected every week on time.
Where to Buy the Text: You can buy All Things Fun and Fascinating on The Institute for Excellence In Writing website or the family owned homeschool store Love To Learn (use the code "Valerie" on the Love to Learn site and receive free shipping).
For more information about me, Valerie Harmon, click here for why I think IEW is the best writing curriculum, and click here to see my professional background on LinkedIn. Personally, I'm a Mom who custom educates (also called homeschool) my six children, lives in Lehi and LOVES teaching, reading, editing, and writing.